Simple, Intuitive
blood collection
anytime, anywhere.

Empowering individuals to test their blood with no constraints

Preci-HealthTM supports decentralized healthcare

with assisted and self-administered, simple and virtually painless blood collection and injection solutions
discomfort and

ezdrawTM Blood Sampler

Setting a new standard for user-friendly blood collection
Tailored for professional and non-professional use, ezdrawTM is the first standard-
sized, multi-tube blood sampler with an authentication and real-time guidance
companion app. This innovative solution supports a comprehensive range of blood
tests from a single-use, high-volume draw, and seamlessly integrates within the lab
automated testing process.
ezdraw blood collection
Only available for clinical investigations
Tailored for professional and non-professional use, ezdrawTM is the first standard-
sized, multi-tube blood sampler with an authentication and real-time guidance
companion app. This innovative solution supports a comprehensive range of blood
tests from a single-use, high-volume draw, and seamlessly integrates within the lab
automated testing process.

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